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Finotes v6.0.0 with frame rate tracking, App Hangs and Analytics is now public

Writer's picture: Don PeterDon Peter

Happy to announce the release of Finotes 6.0.0.

This version comes with new features like,

  1. Ability to detect and report slow frames and frozen frames iOS & Android apps.

  2. Ability to detect and report App Hangs in iOS and watchOS apps. Finotes is already capable of detecting ANR in Android apps.

  3. Offline caching of unsynced bug reports.

  4. In-depth analytics of reported bugs.

Tracking Slow frames & Frozen frames

Starting from version 6.0.0, Finotes is capable of detecting and reporting slow frames that takes more than 16ms to render along with frozen frames that takes more than 700ms to render.

The frame issues will be reported at activity level in case of Android apps and controller level in case of iOS. This feature is activated automatically.

Tracking AppHangs.

Finotes already detects and reports ANRs and UI thread blocks in Android apps.

In iOS and watchOS apps UI thread blocks lasting for 250ms or more are termed as App Hangs. Finotes framework is now has the added capability to track and report Apps Hangs out of the box.

The stack-trace provided along with each issue report will enable developers to identify and fix the root cause of App Hangs. No additional code change required to enable this feature.

Offline caching of pending bug reports

In version 6.0.0, we have added the support for caching bug reports that fail to sync with dashboard. The cached bug reports will be re-synced with the dashboard when the network connectivity is restored.


Issues reported from Finotes version 6.0.0 and above comes with analytics data. Analytics data contains the total device count along with the percentage of devices affected with each issue type.

Screenshot of tickets with Affected Devices count and Occurrences count
Tickets with Affected Devices count and Occurrences count

Screenshot showing percentage of devices affected with different types of issue
Percentage of devices affected with different types of issue

In detailed issue view, information of top devices and os versions from which the issue occurred will be available as well.

Screenshot of top device types, OS versions and countries from which issue occurrences are reported.
Information of top device types, OS versions and countries from which issue occurrences are reported.

Finotes is available for both Objective-c and Swift based iOS and watchOS projects as a cocoa-pods dependency and as Gradle library for Java and Kotlin based Android projects.

Visit to signup for 14 days trial, if you have not already. Visit to explore the documentation.


Blog for Mobile App Developers, Testers and App Owners


This blog is from Finotes Team. Finotes is a lightweight mobile APM and bug detection tool for iOS and Android apps.

In this blog we talk about iOS and Android app development technologies, languages and frameworks like Java, Kotlin, Swift, Objective-C, Dart and Flutter that are used to build mobile apps. Read articles from Finotes team about good programming and software engineering practices, testing and QA practices, performance issues and bugs, concepts and techniques. 

Monitor & Improve Performance of your Mobile App


Detect memory leaks, abnormal memory usages, crashes, API / Network call issues, frame rate issues, ANR, App Hangs, Exceptions and Errors, and much more.

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