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Avoid these common mistakes when trying to debug your iOS app

Avoid these common mistakes when trying to debug your iOS app

Debugging is a necessary part of the development process, but it can be a time-consuming and frustrating task. Even experienced developers make mistakes when debugging, and there are a number of common pitfalls that can slow down the debugging process.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common iOS debugging mistakes and how to avoid them. By following these tips, you can improve your debugging skills and save time when debugging your iOS apps.

1. Not using a debugger

A debugger is a powerful tool that can help you to identify and fix bugs in your code. By stepping through your code line by line, a debugger can help you to see exactly what is happening in your code and where the problem is occurring.

Xcode Debugger

To customize what Xcode displays when running your app in the debugger, go to Xcode > Preferences > Behaviors > Running.

To control the execution of your app, use the buttons in the debug bar.

  • Continue: Resumes normal execution from the paused position until the app stops at the next breakpoint.

  • Pause: Pauses the app without setting a breakpoint.

  • Step Into: Executes the next instruction in the same function.

  • Step Over: Executes the next instruction, even if it is inside another function.

  • Step Out: Skips the rest of the current function and returns to the next instruction in the calling function.

As you step through your app, inspect variables that are relevant to your bug and watch for unexpected values.

  • To see the value of a variable in code: Hover over the variable in your source code.

  • To see the value of a variable in the variable viewer: Click the variable in the variable viewer.

The variable viewer lists the variables available in the current execution context. You can select the scope of variables to view from the selector at the bottom left of the viewer.

2. Not using a logging framework

A logging framework is a tool that allows you to log messages to the console. This can be a very helpful tool for debugging iOS apps, as it allows you to see what's happening in your code at runtime.

Here are some examples of logging frameworks for iOS:

  • CocoaLumberjack is a popular logging framework that is easy to use and provides a lot of flexibility.

  • NSLogger is a powerful logging framework that can be used to log messages to a variety of destinations, such as the console, a file, or a remote server.

  • Loggly is a cloud-based logging service that can be used to collect and analyze logs from your iOS apps.

  • Splunk is another cloud-based logging service that can be used to collect and analyze logs from your iOS apps.

These are just a few examples of the many logging frameworks that are available for iOS.

3. Not using a crash reporting service

A crash reporting service is a service that collects crash reports from your users. This can be a very helpful tool for debugging iOS apps, as it allows you to see what's causing crashes in your app.

  • Finotes is a an easy-to-use crash reporting tool with a freemium plan. It is a great option for developers to enable crash reporting along with tracking other bugs.

  • Bugsnag is a crash reporting service that offers a number of features that are not available in free services, such as automatic crash grouping and stack traces.

  • Crashlytics is a crash reporting service that is owned by Google. It offers a number of features, such as crash reporting, analytics, and user feedback.

4. Not testing your iOS app thoroughly

One of the best ways to avoid debugging problems is to test your app thoroughly before you release it. Not testing your app thoroughly can lead to a number of problems, including:

  • Bugs: If you don't test your app thoroughly, you're more likely to miss bugs that can cause crashes, unexpected behavior, or data loss.

  • Poor performance: If you don't test your app on a variety of devices and configurations, you may not be aware of performance problems that can affect your users.

  • Security vulnerabilities: If you don't test your app for security vulnerabilities, you may be opening your users up to attack.

To avoid these problems, you should:

  • Test your app on a variety of devices and configurations. This includes different screen sizes, operating systems, and network conditions.

  • Use a variety of testing tools. There are a number of tools available that can help you to find bugs and performance problems.

  • Get feedback from users. Ask your users to test your app and give you feedback. This can help you to identify problems that you may have missed.

By taking the time to test your app thoroughly, you can help to ensure that it is a high-quality product that your users will enjoy.

5. Not asking for help

If you're stuck debugging a problem, don't be afraid to ask for help.

Not asking for help can be a major obstacle to success in any field, and software development is no exception. There are many resources available to help developers, but they are only useful if you know where to find them and how to use them.

Here are some of the benefits of asking for help:

  • You can save time. If you try to solve a problem on your own, it can take you a lot of time and effort. By asking for help, you can get the answer quickly and move on to other tasks.

  • You can get better quality results. Experienced developers have seen a lot of problems and know how to solve them. By asking for help, you can get their expertise and improve the quality of your work.

  • You can build relationships. When you ask for help, you are building relationships with other developers. These relationships can be valuable in your career, as you can turn to them for help in the future.

Here are some tips for asking for help:

  • Be specific. When you ask for help, be as specific as possible about the problem you are having. This will help the person you are asking for help to understand your problem and give you the best possible answer.

  • Be polite. When you ask for help, be polite and respectful. Remember that the person you are asking for help is taking their time to help you, so show them some appreciation.

  • Be patient. Not everyone is available to help you right away. Be patient and wait for a response.


Debugging can be a time-consuming and frustrating task, but it's an essential part of the development process. By following the tips in this blog post, you can improve your debugging skills and save time when debugging your iOS apps.


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